Bending – sheet metal processing
Technocar can manufacture bent sheet metal parts using a 300 ton CNC press brake up to 3000 mm in width. Our 4 cylinder roll bending machine can bend metal plates up to 8mm in thickness and 2500 mm in width.
Sheet metal processing at Bicske
Sheet metal processing workstation at Bicske with CNC plate shear, roll bending machine, 50t workshop press and planer for machining welding roots.

Sheet metal processing at Helvécia
Four rolls plate bending machine, and a 300 ton press brake at Helvécia site for sheet metal part production.

CNC horizontal, and vertical milling machines,
CNC lathes with driven tool holders, Y axis, and counter spindle. Conventional milling machines, and lathes.
Conventional hole, and cylindrical grinding machines.
MIG / TIG / Laser welding machines with water cooling system for steel, stainless steel and aluminium welding. Rotary tables for large and small parts. Welding robots for high runners. Spot welding capabilities for sheet metal parts.
Semi automatic painting line with conveyor and
drying chamber, painting chambers for large parts.
Grit blasting
Automatic wheel shotblasting machines, sand and glass bead blasting chambers.
CMM / Scanning
Coordinate measurements and optical scanning of parts to be inspected. Leak testing of critical parts by using special Helium Leak tester
Flame cutting
CNC controlled flame cutting machine is applicable for thick hot rolled sheet metal processing.